The Season Finale of The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead season finale premiered last night on AMC. I was there to watch, waiting for some sort of cliffhanger. I was disappointed. The episode was very predictable to me. I didn’t think that the guy running the CDC (Center for Disease Control) was going to pull everyone in to be killed with him. I didn’t expect that the place would explode in the event that power ran out. That was about all that caught me slightly off guard.

The finale was weak in that nothing shocked me. I figured when Shane was drunk and Lori was alone browsing through the books that Shane would attempt to rape her. He had become so violent and angry that I assumed this event was inevitable. Shane tried but Lori scratched his face rather badly in her attempt to fight him off and he backed away. Also, when Jenner, the man running the CDC, decided to let people try and escape, I figured depressed and negative Andrea would want to stay. I also figured that once Dale said he would stay with her that they would end up also escaping. There just weren’t too many surprises.

I thought that a finale usually left a person hanging on some point of the story. Maybe because the writing staff was fired the last episode of the season didn’t need to be a cliffhanger to keep the audience coming back, but I felt they could have at least tried. I, of course will keep watching, but I’m sure I’m not the only one wondering what will be making me come back. We don’t know if they have any sort of plan or if someone might die. Everything ended pretty fine. I guess the cliffhanger is where will they go next, though that doesn’t really keep me guessing for a year which is when the new season debuts.

I hope that the last episode will be enough to keep TWD’s strong audience watching but waiting a year when nothing really happened to affect the story and main characters leaves me a bit worried. There’s always that chance that a lot of the viewers will forget by next year because the finale was so weak. It seems strange but I suppose it’s because the creator wrote the first two episodes and not the last 4 that the premiere of the season was strong versus a weak finale.

Don’t get me wrong, I love this show and it’s plot and background but the finale really worried me. I hope that the new writing system for next season will be an improvement. I hate when shows go from being strong and exciting to weak and predictable the very next season. I guess I’ll just have to cross my fingers that my weekly dose of zombies will be back stronger than ever and that I won’t have to say goodbye to such strong characters as Rick, Glenn and Daryl. Come on Frank Darabont! Bring back the excitement that you started the season with!

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